Growing from the humble backyard in Lobhengula township we learn that the true wealth one could attain in life is the people around him. We saw our parents day in day out helping cmmunity members ith their issues, from fight to disputes, form childheaded families lacking food to elderly who needed care. Hence we decided to start Kasi Online Store to make it easier for people living abroad to take care of their families back home kwaBulawayo.


Ngisizakele kakhulu ngenxa yeKasi online store, ingane zami ngeke zisalamba futhu ngenxa yeservice yabo yohlobo oluphezulu.

Simangaliso Moyo/ Nkulumane 6

Ke a leboga nshingo ye bhatiswa neKasi Online store, bana baka 

Hanani Tjabuda / New Lobhengula

Les’ istolo sifike ngeskhathi esihle kakhulu. ukuthumela ingane ukudla sokulula kakhulu. Siyayibonga imsebenzi yabo.

Skhulu Mhlophe / Lobhengula West

bulawayo markets